Saturday 14 September 2019

Thinking Activity: ' The Waiting For Godot '

Thinking Activity: ' The Waiting For  Godot' 

  • About Semuel Becket:-
Semule Barclay Beckett was written by ' The Waiting For Godot'. He was an Irish novelist, Playwright, Short Story Writer, Theater Director, Poet, and Literary Translator. He was resident of Paris  for most of his adult life. He  wrote in both English and French.

  • In short about ' The Waiting For Godot' :-
 This  geneplay was - Tragiccomidy play. This play devided in two 'Act' . and two main character, 1) Estragon and 2) Vladimir.
1. Pozoo
2. Lucky
3. Boy...
Both of wait for someone named Godot. But Godot never come.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

Flipped Learning: Existentialism

Flipped Learning: Existentialism
  • Existentialism:-
* What is Existentialism?

  • Existentialist Philosophers:-
*Soren Kierkegaard
*Friedrich Nietzsche
*Martin Heidegger
*Jean- pair Sartre
*Simone de Beauvoir
*Albert Camus..
  • Key Theme of  Existentialism:-
1. Philosophy as a aah of life
2. Anxiety and Authenticity
5. Existence
6. Irrationality or Absurdity
7. The Crowd

  • Suman shah give is some point about Existentialism.........
-A person always alone/loneliness
-Yet I will be myself
-World is world and l-l am
- Things are Things and I am as a soul
-I am human being 
- Internal source and external source
-Anxiety  becomes a reality
-Throw/Throwness( Ex... Midnight children... Salim)

  • Video-1  What is Existentialism?
First video about Existentialism's explanation and according to Kierkegaard. He believes that philosophical thought are same. Triangle with  Individuality, Freedom and passions. Possibility of God and it happens after thinking. Whose attention will be attracted to a subject like suicide, Anguish, Thanks, Absurdity, Passion, Emotions their freedom or even despair.

  • Video -2.  The myth of Sisyphus: The Absurd Reasoning:-

Camus first start this essay " The Absurd Reasoning". In this he wrote about one truly philosophical problem that is suicide.

People think that life is absurd and that’s why one should die. Is it dying a real solution? No it is not. Life is absurd and meaningless but life is for living. There is also one idea of every human’s fascination of death. It is shown in video that human wants divorce from life and wants to make death a mistress. But I like the idea that how every one wants death and how everyone also fears death.

  • Video -3. The myth of Sisyphus: The notion of  Philosophicaly is sisuicide
  • . But here it is said that there is human and there is world. Both will collide and then absurdity will take place. Imagine of there is no human being in the world.

  • Video - 4. Dadaism  Nihilism:-

From this video I like the idea of dadaism and it's quest for change. And also the Nietzsche's discription about the movement.

Sunday 1 September 2019

The Old Man The Sea

"The Old Man And The Sea"

  • About Writer:-
Earnest miller Hemingway was a very famous and interesting American writer in the English language and literature.He writes about the real life and adventure things of life.He was also novelist, sportsman and Short story writer. He was an American journalist. So, lets see we discuss about his 'novel' " The Old Man And Sea".

  • The Old Man And The Sea:-

'Santjago' is the  protegonist of  the novella. He is an old fishermen, unlucky. And then "Monolin"  is a young boy. He is Santiago's only friend. 'The Marlin'  is the fish. As a shmbolize  the sea, the marlin, the lions, the lost harpoon, the sharks etc...  Santiago has not eaught a fish for eighty four days. But he is hopeful that next day will  bring  him better luck.

Que-1. Can you mark a critical phase of your life?.

  Yes... We know that life is a continuous progress. We all  develop  and mature with a time and  se all continue to move on in life. We try to catch but we are not become success. I belived that life is very difficult without experience. My family is full sported but  I don't do enything.

Que-2. Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crisis?.

          Yes..... Don't t trust anyone then that thing or person. Last Everyone is leaving. According to my point of view don't trust  God , but Our self..
    Que-3. What is the importance of that person? Why? 

    Relationship is always needed in human being.  The world is very bad. So, don't trust someone. Not important any person, trust Our self. Ex. Army man, sport man....

  Que-4. What is the importance of dreams of lions in the novel?.

       'Santiago's' dreams of lions.His love for the lions which are fierce predators, also mirrors his relationship with the marlin. In this way, the lions as also symbolize Santiago's affinity with nature. Now that Santiago is no longer young, and has lost his friends, family, and strength, he sees the lions only in his dreams. Santiago's dreams of the lions at the end of the novella suggest that in triumphing over the marlin,at last he get his aim and goal he hunt the Marlin and then we can say that his dream was a lion.

   Que-5. What is the reason of your obsession for that scene?.
           This scene are serves some idea and purpose of life.In the end of the novel the boy see that Santiago come back with the 18th feet long fish Marlin.In this scene have various obsession like love,talent,opportunity,goals,success,sacrifice,etc...

   Que-6. Replace the old man with yourself. How would be the approach if you call like the old man in life?. 

    If I have as a place of old man I boring, and all are put the destiny. Any condition don't handling. So many work and  hard work but not success, so I really tried in my life. Not help anybody.

Thank you.........

Movie Screening: 'Kya kehna '

Comperision between Movie 'Kya Kehna' and Novel 'The scarlet Letter'

  We wathed movie in 29th july 2019, monday

  • Director: Kundan Shah
  • Released: 2000
  • Genres: Hindi Drama

  • Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • Published: 1850
  • Genres: Romanticcism

1. What are the names of the protegonist in  both the works?

     In novel ' The Scarlet Letter' protegonist is 'Hester' and Movie 'Kya Kehna' protegonist is 'Priya'.

2. Write the story  in brife.

     Both story are same to some extent.

  • The Scarlet Letter:.......
                 "આસું સ્ત્રી ના હથિયાર છે".
                 "શરમ સ્ત્રી ના આભૂષણ છે".

    The novel start with the Hester. In the novel Hester is protegonist character. Hester was merried woman with Cillingworth. Her husband  was  out side se a few years. So she is lived alone  without her Husband. Further she is fall in love with prist Dimmesdale and Dimmesdale also lover her. He was dear of society. So both are doing Adultery. Than know that she become pregnant.  Dimmesdale  didn't accept publically.  It's very annoying  in prison. At the end of the novel had accepted he is father of Hester. Hester's child name is baby girl pearl.  Than he was immediately died.  So  then again Hester was lived alone with her daughter.
Example of " Rama and Sita" .story

  •  Kya Kehna movie:
 This movie is old but example of  The Scarlet letter. Movie starting  happy family. In this  movie protegonist character is Priya.  Priyai good girl, clever student during her schooling. She was lived  alone  after her comlited high school education. Than she was coming to her house.  When she was  college time,   she loved with rahul.  Rahul belong to high class family. He  didn't really loved to priya. But rahul didn't think so.  He wanted to take revenge to priya  brother Viky .  That why  he used to priya.   Priya's family is very good. Than  priya  become pragnant . At that time  rahul  denied for taken responsibly of priya  and her  child. Then priya dight alone  with society. Then she was gave  birth of her that time her femily denied her. And at the movie end of  Ajay proposed her and Rahul also want toarry with her. But she accept Ajay proposal and movie become happy ending. In last her family  was full support.her brother was  always with her. In last her father happy for her child .

3.What is the role played by society in Hester's life?.

 In the novel we know that society never accept Adultery of Hester. When dose not ready to say a out child's father name at that time there reflected mind of puritan people.  Moreover, The puritan  society forcefully wearing Scarlet letter of "A". It's  means that society as a woman  gave  punishment of Adultery of her self. But looking in their  society.

4. What is the role played by society in Priya's life?.

Priya is student and she lived Rahul  and she become  pragnant. Here conflict between middle class society and high class society. Rahul belong to high class  family and priya belong to middle class family. So  Rahul's family specially his mother didn't accept priya.  Than she was  become pregnant without marriage society hated her. Even her parent are not sporting her . Then as loving relation with family then her family given sport her . In the college  function played drama on Priya's life and Everyone laughed her. At that time priya gives speech and everyone claping her courage but if we analyse society so we can know it is not easy as like priya convinced  society

5. Compare and contrast the male character, Roger Chillingworth,arthur Dimmesdale,Rahul and Ajay?

The male character  Roger Cillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale  in the novel. And in movie  Rahul and Ajay. All male character are completely different from each other. Roger Cillingworth is Hester's Husband and Arthur Dimmesdale is Hester's liver. Dimmesdale deeply lived Hester but he couldn't able to publically accept her. Something Rahul couldn't able to accept priya in publically.  But one  thing  is contrast  Dimmesdale is prist while Rahul character like Frailty man. He is not honest like Dimmesdale . Other character  like Roger Cillingworth and Ajay character is completely different from. Other character Cillingworth is not accepted her wife because jis wife become pregnancy of Dimmesdale's child. While Ajay character is like  honest and ki d person who deeply lived priya even she was pregnant of  rahul"s child  although Ajay ready to accept her.

6.Compare and contrast the 'scaffold scene in 'The Scarlet Letter' and a year- end performance in kya kehna in which a group of student perfroms a play on Priya's and her pregnancy'.

'The Scarlet Letter'   in 'The Scaffold scene" and year" end  performance in Kya Kehna movie . Both  situation it's like aane but something is differ like aur the end of novel Hester didn't  give her liver name and ant suggestion to peopl. When  Kya Kehna  end  is movie  in the stage priya tried herself. She hasn't do e wrong decision to giving birth of child thar thing is not her.

7. What are the reason that Arthur Dimmesdale and Rahul di not come forward to accept their fatherhood ? How do you they differ and what are the similaritie?.

In the novel Arthur Dimmesdale had dear  of society and religion . Because he mang time talked about morality but when society know reality of Arthur so for him live in society is difficult. In the  movie Rahul was playboy type character and he was a student of college. I noticed one thing that Rahul don't truly love of priya but he say that by mistake she becouse pregnant. Another reason is Rahul came from high family and priya come from middle class family. So jis mother say that she is not appropriate for merried kind of things. But i. The movie Rahul remaining natural so that i can say that Rahul's live is list of body, not true love with priya.

8.what is the role played by Cillingworth in Hester's life? Why do you think he wantedto take revenge on Hestee and Dimmesdale?
Cillingworth is Husband of. Hester.

 Cillingworth played enemy role in  Hester's life.  He wanted to take revenge on Heastwr and Dimmesdale .  Because he tired to konw who is Hestee lived for this reason he sexually heresment mattube. And he killed one person jis belife that man is Dimmesdale.

9. What is the role played by Rahul's mother in Priya's life? Why do you think she wants to take revenge on priya?.

 Rahul belong to rich class family. So jis mother didn't accept Priya as dauther in law and  she wanted to take revenge on priya. Because she believed her son isn't doing wrong thing at the first metring even Priya's  brother bit  her  son and  she believed Priya is not their status girl.

10. Write a note on class difference in Kya Kehna?.

  In the movie Kya Kehna two class conflict Priya belong to middle class family and Rahul belong to rich class femily. That why jis mother not accept Priya as  daughter in law si there are can see class conflict.

11.Why do you think  the director has lifted the character of Ajay  to the ideal state? Is it possible in real life ?What are the reason of your Yes or No?.

According to me  real life of may be possible so also impossible as i said that according 5 my observation on society.

12.How do you are Hester and Priya as. Individual?.

I see Priya's character stronger than Hester because at the end of the movie Priya herself tired to convince people .she hasn't done wrong thing to giving birth of child while Hester couldn't able to justify on society.

13.Write a criti5 note on the end of the movie and the novel. Why do you think the novelist has not given happy endinng?

Both  movie based on something but dealing with different ideas. I think may be Hathrone represent at that time society real image . Therefore he has not given happy ending of novel.

  • Thank you..........

Rock climbing mountaineering lecture book

Lecture : I. Rock Formation and Terminology II. Rock Climbing Technique III. Belly and Replying IV. Tracking and Camp Manners V. ...