Wednesday 17 July 2019

Movie Reviwe On The Modren Times..

Movie Reviwe On The Modren Times.
  • "Charlie Chaplin"..

"A day without laughter is a day wasted".....................


25th june 2019...Tuesday

We are watching movie'charlie Chaplin',"Modern Times". Dilip  sir organized movie screening sesion and given new idea. 
This movie are economical politikal satire. Charlie Chaplin was  English comic actor, filmaker and camposer.  This movie was silent. He was joblessness man.
  • Joblessness:-
“Unemployment is the vital question . . . Machinery should benefit mankind. It should not spell tragedy and throw it out of work.” 
We know that the modern age
   (1) Devalopment
                   (2) Factories and machins

The devalopment of factories and both of 'Evrey coin has two side'. 
  • Position of poor:-
               Two sister are symbol.Her father was charsh job for thier basic needs. Our basic requirement are'Roti,Kapada,and Makan...' It means 'Food', 'Cloth', and 'home'.
  • Cravinf for better life
  • Capitalism
  • Red flag
  • Lose of freedom
                   At conclued    this movie are modern time but now represent so many things.

Thank you...........      

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