Monday 7 October 2019

Method of English language teaching unit-3

Method of English language teaching unit-3

Hello, welcome to my blog.....

HI am sharing the presentations on English Language Teaching. Before you proceed further it is necessary to know the difference between Methods and Approaches. An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody. A method is the process used or the steps taken to.

  • Difference between approach and method:-

- If I want to say briefly about approach so that It's refers to the way a teacher considers content while deciding how to teach it. While into the method refers to the way a teacher ultimately decides to teach it. for example, as a lecture, an activity, a discussion, etc. You can think of approach as a more general term that encompasses planning and consideration and method as the specific way something is taught.

- Here is a difference between approach and method is that An approach is a way of dealing with something or somebody and A method is the process  which used or the steps taken to deal with an issue or a person.
- Approach is the way in which you will approach the piece of literature you are teaching. You may center on the diction, or the theme, or the structure, or the romantic (or modern, etc.) nature of the piece; whatever you choose to teach. Approach is what you are going to teach.
- Method refers to how you are going to teach it: lecture, small-group work, PowerPoint, worksheet,class discussion,etc. 
Que.:-1.) Which method appealed you the most from the above given methods? Give Reasons.

Ans :- According to me, to see contemporary time, The Auto-Lingual method was more appeals. We are not interested in reading bulky books, novels, etc.we more like to see and listen. For Ex; Nowadays in our syllabus there are many book and novel which we also have seen movie screening. So, with the help of movie we understand much better about plot, character, particular age or scene. Our memory catch and remember more with visualization. One more thing that when we have visited THE ANKUR SCHOOL - a school for special child ; Their teachers said that they also using Audio -Video, Music to taught child. The students are grasp more with it.

2.) Tell something about your favourite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?

Ans :- So, if I talked about my favourite method specially for English subject from school till PG then it was Grammer translation method which I like that time ; but now I realized that it doesn't useful for nowadays. School teacher use to read paragraph and then translate it and enough and we are only remember for to pass in exam. We doesn't have any idea that it would be not good for future. We find some difficulties with this kind of easy and shortcut type method. In PG there was little relaxion from this method, but still it wasn't enough.
Que.:-3.) Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.


                                                 It's good question because when I studied into the school, I like Grammar translation Method which used by my English teacher. During that time it's useful but When I went to studied at collage at that time I shocked that there are prof. only reading paragraph then he interpreted in  Gujarati translation after taken long breathe. So there are i don't like The Grammar translation Method. May be there are They should use The direct Method and communication method.

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