Monday 7 October 2019

Teaching of Professor Balaji Ranganathan

Teaching of Professor Balaji Ranganathan

Hello, readers here my blog part of activity. This blog sumitted to Department of  English Maharaja KruashnKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

We have guest lecturer for post colonial studies by Balaji Ranganathan in Date 19/21 August 2019. This session is fruitful for us. The central for comparative literature and Translation studies. Central university of Gujarat, Gandhinagar.

He has deep knowledge about the post colonial studies. This three days was very important for me. I would like to special thanks to our profess Dilip Barad sir who introduced most of the units before the guest lecturer.we have post -colonial studies paper.

Unit in :-
1. Black skin white mask by Grants Fanon
2. Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie
3. Orientalism by Edward Said
4. A Tempest by Some cesair.

In the first lecture Balajisir introduced post colonial studies then sir said main ideas of Frist unit Black skin white mask by Frantz Fanon. This unit divided in seven chapters.

1. The Negro and Language
2. The woman of colour and White man.
3. The man of colour and White Woman.
4. The so- called dependency complex of the colonised.
5. The lived experience of Black man.
6. The Black man and Psychology.
7. ThevBlack man and Recognition.

In the first chapter, the Black man and Language, he argue about correspondence between Language, culture, and race. Every culture has their own language which plays a vital role in entering into any culture. In second and third character he talks about desire of being a white in order to excess advantage and privileges which white people had already have.

  • Orientalism by Edward said:-

In Orientalism Edward said took his idea from Michael Foucault's books,  "Discipline and punish" and 'Archelogy of Knowledge". As well as it also relies on the concept of hegemony derived from the philosophy of Anti Gramsci.

  • "A Tempest" by Amie Cesaire:-

"A Tempest" by Amie Cesaire and found difference between Shakespeare The Tempest and Cesaire's A Tempest. In this ideas Identity, Colonial resiontion, Appropriation of Language, Term of Rebellion. This play character like Eshu Traditional international knowledge black devil God the Tempest Callibian character portrait as strong Rebellion slave.

In the third day lectures in last unit "Imaginary Homeland" by Salman Rushdie.

"Imaginary Homeland" Is a collection of essays written by most controversial post colonial writer Salman Rushdie and is based on his life experiences as well as of contemporary issues. As the title itself has a word Imaginary. which includes that it's not about any particualar home in geographical sense.  In this see point Attenborough's Gandhi, commonwealth Literature does not exist, New Empire within British, on Palestine.
This three days were full of useful .

Thank you for watching or reading....

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